With rushes of red, spray of life,
He throws petals on his dear Wife.
Bringing to life the Orange shade,
While birds awake in trees of jade.
With a copper stage tranquil and vast,
He creates the stage that is to last.
With shimmering shades turning blue,
He is the artist of myriad of hue.
With clouds of white he creates life,
Putting and end to all pain and strife.
Touching her with the greatest pride,
For she hides the Great Sun inside.
Asleep in his huge king like bed,
Listening to everything that is said.
Coming out slowly when it is time,
With chorus and anthems so sublime.
For he holds the key to heart,
Always forever never to part.
Bringing forth life like never before,
While moving to place the music score.
For he played with her running all night,
Teasing and praising but out of sight.
Holding her hand on the Silver Sand,
While the moon stood vigil looking grand.
Waking silver pathways, diamonds on part,
He begins pulling each dark chorus apart.
Slowly giving rise to the wonderful tune,
That sends them far beyond, over the moon.
For the moon borrows light from the Sun,
Creating shades that enthrall just some.
But when the Sun finally steps out to play,
Its the chorus of life, they call it Break of day.
For he replenishes energy in the still of night,
While holding Nature's Girl in love so tight.
Pouring his rushes and riots of spring,
To nurture and nourish her with life to sing.
For in his chambers her spins her around,
Moving her perfectly on higher ground.
Making her dance each day to just One,
While the Moon just looks on cursing Sun.
For they both Moon Walk when time is right,
Bringing forth enchantment at dead of night.
Cooling and calming the surface around,
With enthralling Harmony in perfect sound.
With cool blowing breeze, with roses for night,
He tickles her pink when the time is just right.
With hidden entreaties that carry love to the One,
He shields her in cloaks of Blue just for the Sun.
While he steps in with chorus of pride,
He doesn't move anywhere till all hide.
For he is the guardian and Keeper of Gate,
Who finally found his true love in twist of fate.
For the Queen of Arts, the Nature's Wife,
Is his greatest and the love of his life.
He sang for her presence with shades of blue,
Then creates Raptures in myriad of hue.
He finally turned around to step off the stage,
That was when he turned asked for hand in marriage.
She was so coy she didn't know what to say,
The reason why the Sun shielded in shades of grey.
For he had waited for his dear Bride to say yes,
While he did in disguises all shades so bless.
She just sat waiting with a tear in her big eye,
Till he finally stepped in and she began to cry.
Holding her close with arms full of rest,
He brought her back gently to upper crest.
For she was shaded with pained tears yet bold,
Worked hard diligently through rushes of gold.
He began playing her till she grew fit and strong,
Giving her the smile she had somewhere to belong.
Providing her with skills that none in world could ask,
He shielded his identity in Moon and Behind Mask.
When the Moon showed movements it couldn't resist,
He began pulling back all shielding for her to subsist.
Slowly pouring it Behind the big Mask,
It was the first of his big task.
He created the image in timeline through shades of gold,
Bringing together each daunting step so bold.
While she sat learning each big move they made,
He did to the whole world a shield so sprayed.
For he brought forth the cover to fend of attack,
And slowly began cleaning her to get back on track.
Thats when he finally revealed his great identity,
He was the soothsayer of love, faith and integrity.
Moving heaven and earth gently for his dear bride,
He did in her beautifully his love so confide.
She smilingly accepted each speck of his band,
And finally revealed his identity as the one so grand.
For he was the Prince who protected heaven and Earth,
Left her in danger while adorning life on the hearth.
Slowly turning back to bring back all the fire,
Taking over completely as her great desire.
For he took over reigns for his Father with pride,
Who didn't his great elation his tears so hide.
For his Son had chosen wisely and brought forth the Sun,
She is Planet Earth, the Great Queen who chose just One.
For the Sun brought forth the beauty and pride,
Which to all eternity never shall hide.
For it has renewed and replenished in resplendent flare,
It was tired and unrequited all because of the dare.
Now it is finally stepping out to show the world see,
Are you all ready to finally accept the One with me.
For she is the girl I have loved and was waiting for,
While I was lamenting how much to endure.
Now with pride on his face he shows of his bride,
With the Rising Sun, he has nothing to hide.
For from the Chambers he releases the glare,
Bringing forth enigma to all Universe everywhere.
He stands there beside her but none can see,
For she looks straight into his eyes and helplessly.
Help me as I step out each morning at break of day,
Shield me from all harm when in shades of grey.
He keeps her happy with the Raptures of the Wind,
As she finally says goodbye to the real act of Fiend.
For they had evoked dark tempests to steal her pride,
While she shook and trembled and far away so hide.
With orders of the Universe now finally in place,
She rises so gently to calm pain neglect pace.
Bringing forth the renewed life that shocks all,
The Creator's Wife has finally risen to her call.
While the shimmering disc now brightens life,
She reflects his blue cloak through all strife.
Bringing forth all the colours riots of spring,
Its time now for the world to stand in sing.
No More Darkness, Eternal Flower you are Pride,
Why did you all this from the Great world hide.
I was in love with One but could not so tell,
Knew the meaning in each song all so well.
With that she takes on the mantle of the Sun,
To be the beauty and the love of just One.
Finally moving life into shades of Green,
Keeping everything perfect and so pristine.
By ©Anisha Lady-Aiyanna Achankunju
*photo taken by ©Anisha Achankunju (Lady Aiyanna)
all rights reserved
You can meet Lady -Aiyanna at ---> https://www.facebook.com/anisha.achankunju