(a narrative observation of a guy totally fed up)

he was well past being down on his luck..
…and for goodness sakes, he sure has tried
at the point to where he just couldn’t give a fuck…
…and thinking that perhaps God had lied
this is what happened
really, it all started after he broke up with his girl
I Think her name was Maria
he was faithful, grateful, and every Sunday he went to church…
…but she would never go with him because she was into Santeria
ever since that happened, he just had never been the same
intoxication lead to conflicts, conflicts that lead to indecision
…and if you hear him tell it, the spell she cast on him was to blame
now just trying to stay in his right mind, is his only mission
he keeps looking to sky and saying, “Damn, God must have lied”
spun him out a little because he started opening fortune cookies
…and heeding the advise from store front gypsies
having his palm read, and then when a Tarot card revealed…
….that soon he would dead, he became a regular at the curbside ministry
willing even to go see a witch doctor, or perhaps sit and listen to Kokopelli
he read from four different bibles and five books on philosophy…
…and each time he saw a statue of Buddha, he would rub its belly
but things just never seemed to get right in his life, thus his plea…
“God please!! “
his belief now is, all those religions only lead to negative experiences
according to all he has witnessed, so all the reading material just sits on a shelf
…no way will he ever listen to any more God inferences (thinks it’s all a lie)
still he harbors the hope of one day finding words of God within himself
I think we all wonder at some point. Very interesting perspective here.