Thursday, April 5, 2012

Wings Of Hope

She sits with her pen and the pastel paper
Gazing out the window lost in a daydream
Recalling what brought him into her life
Knowing within her heart
Destiny's fate intertwined two lives

Remembering how he touched her soul
Sadness fills her heart . . .
A pearl-et teardrop begins to fall down her cheek
Gently staining the letter she was writing to him
Knowing it would never reach his eyes

She confesses her love . . .
With a tender caress of her pen as it bleeds
Her hands trembling filled with fear and doubt
Yet he already knows her secrets and dreams
Although he is blind to the truth she bares

The words becoming blurred
With each tear that falls
She begins gently folding
Bending with care within each crease
Is her Professed Love . . .

She rises to place it within her cocooned chest
Stumbling; looking at what she holds within her hands
Has become an origami filled with her hearts bleed
Letting the gentle breeze move through her
She steps outside ; sighs

Releasing it into the air with wings of hope
Maybe one day it will reach his heart
Will he read her confessed love ?
Or will it be after she has passed to the other side
Like a letter in a bottle lost at sea

©2012 cherry rose copyright all rights reserved


*Cherry Rose is a very talented writer and a very good friend.


  1. I do hope that she is able to realize the love she seeks. A wonderful depiction Cherry.

  2. Thank you Rory for the opportunity to share what wanders within my mind

  3. With wings of hope I fly to you,
    Creating the beauty of life true.
    Bringing the creation into task,
    Its the beauty of the mindful ask.

    From pearl strained tears of each drop,
    He soaks her body to create the crop.
    To feel the world the bounty so blessed,
    Anthem of tomorrow sweetly caressed.

    On Wings of Hope she does each place fly,
    Touching lies on each war-torn sky.
    Bringing together the Voice of Peace,
    In a bid to make all pain decrease.

    Unrequited love beating in chest,
    Its the feeling pure and chaste.
    He cries to her in hour of need,
    As she plants for him the great seed.

    Holding him close with voice of heart,
    She reveals beauty to play the part.
    For he is touched by her gesture of love,
    And brings forth the shower from Above.

    Wings of Hope now flap in pride,
    For he flutters deep inside.
    Holding her heart together as One,
    Becoming the father to the Sun.

    With Wings of Hope he calls her name,
    She gently holds it to rise to fame.
    For he picked her letter deep in sea,
    And from the great anthem set love free.

    For On the other side he waited for her,
    To hold close and let feelings stir.
    For she just cried for unrequited love,
    And for solace looked to Creation Above.

    By Anisha Achankunju(Lady Aiyanna)(C) 6th April 2012

    You inspired with this Rory, thank you!!!
