Monday, July 25, 2011

Nonsensical Reverie

why did I have to go and open my eyes
now I risk forgetting this feeling
I remember a clear blue sky opening
being on a vast open land
breathing in the freshness of Mother Earth
the air, the grass and  the river
all nourishing my spirit
there were no boundaries or limitations
as if standing before infinity itself
Or, at least within infinite possibilities
…and then, there I was with others
I didn’t know them all individually
…but I knew they were like me
there was no thought of who was what color
Or, which one of  was the biggest or smallest
out of spontaneity
we all just started running
the breeze passing through our hair
…brought joy and exhilaration to our consciousness
we were free
experiencing life intuitively
we came to a stop after running for several moments
basking in the warmth
…from life’s simplicity and magnificence
there was no posturing
no selfish laments
control, deceit, greed, envy, ill will of any sort
…are all but grains of sand that are blown away by the wind
only Love , respect, togetherness, unity, ONENESS exists
I began to wonder where I was
it all seemed so right, felt so good
…but I just couldn't make sense of it all
perhaps it would have, had I kept my eyes closed a little longer



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*photo used under license. Horses Running ©Taiga |
  All Rights Reserved. Please do not copy.


  1. "I am Pegasus, and my name means horse."

    But you knew that! I love this touched the deepest part of me and who I am. You are Amazing!
    BEAUTIFUL words, thoughts. I'm all caught up in the reverie...but it's not nonsensical to me.
    Such a beautiful piece of music.

  2. Very beautiful, poignant write!
