Thursday, December 8, 2011

Stillness In The Storm

from the book Spirit, Rhythms, Words

darkness rising with the sun
their bodies entwined
he smiles cautiously so as not to waken her
been staring at her for hours
searching his soul, wondering why the constellations . . .
thought of him and sent him this angel
encased in love impeccable
melancholy, sulking
cherishing her grace, questioning his worthiness
soon she will not be with him
and he begins to feel the void
. . . her absence will bring . . .
stifled by visions, anguish in monochrome
quickly in his mind he creates an alternate reality
one where the order of all things is intact
either that or tears
can’t let her see him cry
she is his foundation, he is her strength
still sleeping adjusting herself in his grasp
basking in
his protection, his dutifulness, his . . . .
. . . overwhelmed as he can feel her . . . .
droplets of rain sprinkle on her dream eternity
against his chest hearing the thunder of his heart
she can sense the storms imminence
couldn’t hold it back
his tears turning into rain, the rain becoming showers
her eyes open to . . . . . completion
stillness amidst the downpour



* poem inspired by the song "Showers" performed by Noelle "Shortee" Ililonga
   graphic purple sky courtesy of domain

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  1. Truly a beautiful emotion filled poem what a poetic picture you paint with your words

  2. Such a downpour of emotions in this one Rory.
    You KNOW I love this...the music is so beautifully inspiring.

    Your words touch the deepest part of my soul, as always ♥
