Monday, January 2, 2012

Just Because

(from the book Spirit, Rhythms, Words)

Damn! My woman is ooh so fine
She could’ve had anybody
Whatever it was in the cosmos that caused her to be mine
I Have to admit it, I’m pretty lucky
Still not sure, why it is she loves me
Often I keep her up at night
...because of my snoring
(or so she says)
She’ll sit and watch hoops with me
Even though she thinks it’s boring
She brings me things
Although I may have failed to say please
Drops everything
Whenever I need help finding my keys
(then she laughs)
She cooks, cleans
Keeps me physically gratified
. . . when it comes to her mutual satisfaction
Well at least she knows I try

“Why is it so hard to put things where they belong”
Overly gaseous
Foul mouth

Amongst the dozens of other complaints
Quite admirable I must say
The way she exercises her restraint
I often ask her why she continues loving me
Her one and only response has always been
“Just because”



photo used under license. all rights reserved. please do not copy
photo ©picsfive/


  1. Someone told me in th last few onths .. we do not pick who we love. it would be uch easier if we did lol this is a fascinating piece Rory and so well done!

  2. A non-retrievable love that remains everlasting. Such a true love so hard to find, is the best kind ever, making a male beholder so proud in being loved in full by his exceptional dearest, despite all odds. Lovely poem, Rory. I always thought such wonderful love affair is only found in Africa.

  3. A very different sort of 'Love Poem' becayse thats how I see it, a declaration of love from both parties. Love the fact you used a mundane chore such as ironing to bring home your poing. Well done yet again Rory.

  4. LOL! That's just the way it is sometimes.~Candace

  5. Love is always forgiving our short comings and not pointing out faults, just excepting...
