Monday, August 22, 2011

The Platonic Plague

The platonic plague is one the most rapidly spreading and ruinous communicable dis-eases that our society will ever witness.  Characterized by a deeply rooted sense of philophobia, it mistakenly interprets any and all expressions of fondness and admiration as sexual innuendo at the very minimum and sexual overture in its more fearful state. 

Attempts to further advance any established friendships with a person afflicted by this plague is met with skepticism and more often than not, will neutralize said friendship. Studies also indicate that uttering the words “I love  you”, even in it’s sincerest form, will only bring about suspicion which is usually associated with negative experiences from ones past. Further heightening the recipients defense mechanisms.

Researchers believe that the platonic plague is an offshoot from the social movement “free love”, popularized in the ‘60’s and 1970’s.  While “free love”  did advocate the free union of consenting adults and their right to sexual pleasure. It sought mainly that these matters be separated from state regulation, such as marriage, birth control etc. However many counterculturalist mistakenly associated “free love” with promiscuity.

Therein the problem begins. For the afflicted person, expressions of love are not seen for what they truly are. They are seen as a ruse, which within it lies the sole purpose of sexual conquest. They have  difficulty differentiating  between a person loving them, say on a spiritual plane, versus a person being in love with them as in the romantic context. To the afflicted person the distinction is not possible. They firmly believe that everybody is after something from them.

There is no known cure for the platonic plague and it is doubtful that one will emerge from scientific study. Trusting in one’s own intuition. The willingness to accept the expressions of love rendered forth while also maintaining a healthy emotional balance within the parameters of the established friendship seems the only way that friendships will continue to thrive, which will then force the disease to dissipate.



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*graphic used under license.  Word Cloud - Love / Passion / Heart / Gratitude
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  1. Rory, I found this to be interesting and to the point! Educational AND informative!

  2. I know someone that suffers such affliction lol Fantastic Rory and so many truths I can't help but laugh as this poem intersects a portion of my life! I wish there were a cure!! Hugs!
